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What can we bring for our stay at St. Joseph’s?


  • Appropriate clothes for day and night including jacket for outdoor activities.

  • Toiletries including roll on deodorant (sprays not allowed)

  • Books/Magazines you enjoy reading

  • Some items to personalise your bedroom

  • Small amount of pocket money (maximum €20)

  What can we not bring for our stay at St. Joseph’s?
  • TV sets, laptops, cameras or DVD players.  There are two stationary computers in the Unit which can be used under the supervision of a staff member.

  • Inappropriate viewing material (magazines, computer games, CD’s, DVD’s over 16, etc)

  • Any sharp items (knives, scissors, razors etc)

  • Cigarettes and lighters 

  • Any items of high value

  • Belts or cords

  • Aerosols

  • Stimulant drinks, beverages in cans (plastic bottles only please)

  • Alcohol, Street/Illegal substance or ‘Headshop’ products.As part of the admission process at St. Joseph’s Adolescent Inpatient Unit each young person’s items will be searched in order to ensure that any potentially hazardous items are sent home or else taken and stored in a locker for you. Each young person is responsible for his/her own property. 


Are we allowed to use our iPod?​

We are allowed our iPod in between the times we attend the group programme and again throughout the evening.​

We get special earphones when we are admitted which we can use to safely listen to our iPod in our bedroom.  IPods with access to the internet or a camera facility are not permitted

​Can we use our mobile phone?​

Personal mobile phones are not permitted on the unit.  Instead we are provided with a mobile phone without a camera facility during our time at the unit which we can insert our own SIM card into in order to make calls, send text messages etc.

​What about confidentiality?​

The staff at St. Joseph’s Adolescent Inpatient Unit all work as part of a multidisciplinary team which means that information about us is shared between all team members.  They do this in order to ensure that we receive the best possible care and treatment.

Sharing information with a person outside the team will only happen in consultation with us and in accordance with the child protection policy.  They are required to share information about us with our parents/carers and where possible aim to do this in conjunction with us.


​Can we make a suggestion or a complaint?​

Yes, if we are unhappy or have an issue we can discuss it with one of the staff at St. Joseph’s.​

​What time do we have to get up at?​

On a typical day we will get a morning wake-up call at 8.00am but at the weekends we can have a bit of a lie-in!​

What time do we have to go to bed at?

​We can stay up to 10.30 pm on weekdays; 12.00pm at weekends. 


What are the visiting times?

Monday to Friday: 6-8 pmSaturday and Sunday: 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm

What do we do during a typical day ?

• Breakfast

• Personal time

• School

• Tv time,dvd

• Outdoor activities;pingpong, walking ,tennis, basketball, football

• Groupwork

• Lunch

• Dinner

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